Welcome to the Washington University MSTP website!
The mission of the MSTP is to train future leaders in medicine and science. Each year we enroll 25 talented, energetic, and compassionate individuals to undertake a rigorous training program at one of the nation’s premier centers for clinical excellence and scientific research: Washington University School of Medicine. In addition to medical training, our students study in outstanding laboratories where they develop new insights that advance scientific understanding and may lead to therapies that promote the health of patients. Graduates of the program typically pursue careers combining research and patient care, most often at academic medical centers, but also at government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and biotech firms.
As a physician scientist myself, I understand fully both the rewards and the challenges of this career. While I did not follow the MD-PhD route myself, I do know what it takes to achieve success at the highest levels in this career. I know that talent and drive are not enough. Two other factors, opportunities and a supportive environment, are also necessary. Washington University and the MSTP are committed to providing our students with the opportunities and environment where they can pursue their ambitions.
Our students come from a variety of backgrounds, and each brings a unique set of experiences and aspirations to the MSTP. Our goal is not to mold these individuals into a generic physician scientist according to some abstract archetype. Rather, we seek to provide opportunities for students to grow. Our large faculty are exceptional mentors committed to physician scientist training in virtually any biomedical research discipline. We provide an environment where individuals can transform themselves into their personal vision of what a physician scientist is. To foster this transformation we emphasize individualized learning, flexibility, innovation, collegiality, a strong support network, and access to diverse role models engaged in careers across the continuum of patient care and research. Over the past 50 years, more than 700 individuals have completed this transformation and are having a significant impact on patient care and research throughout the nation and the world.
I hope that you find the information you’re seeking on our website. Please feel free to contact the MSTP office if we can be of any assistance. We appreciate your interest in Washington University and the MSTP, and look forward to hearing from you.
Wayne M. Yokoyama, MD
Director, Medical Scientist Training Program