Derek Platt

Program: Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis

Current advisor: Jonathan Miner, MD, PhD

Undergraduate university: Tennessee State University

Research summary

Graduate publications
Chauvin SD, Stinson WA, Platt DJ, Poddar S, Miner JJ. 2023 Regulation of cGAS and STING signaling during inflammation and infection. J Biol Chem, 299(7):104866.

Platt DJ, Lawrence D, Rodgers R, Schriefer L, Qian W, Miner CA, Menos AM, Kennedy EA, Peterson ST, Stinson WA, Baldridge MT, Miner JJ. 2021 Transferrable protection by gut microbes against STING-associated lung disease. Cell Rep, 35(6):109113.

Miner JJ, Platt DJ, Ghaznavi CM, Chandra P, Santeford A, Menos AM, Dong Z, Wang ER, Qian W, Karozichian ES, Philips JA, Apte RS. 2020 HSV-1 and Zika Virus but Not SARS-CoV-2 Replicate in the Human Cornea and Are Restricted by Corneal Type III Interferon. Cell Rep, 33(5):108339.

Platt DJ, Miner JJ. 2020 Immunopathology of Zika virus infection. Adv Virus Res, 107():223-46.

Bennion BG, Croft CA, Ai TL, Qian W, Menos AM, Miner CA, Frémond ML, Doisne JM, Andhey PS, Platt DJ, Bando JK, Wang ER, Luksch H, Molina TJ, Roberson EDO, Artyomov MN, Rösen-Wolff A, Colonna M, Rieux-Laucat F, Di Santo JP, Neven B, Miner JJ. 2020 STING Gain-of-Function Disrupts Lymph Node Organogenesis and Innate Lymphoid Cell Development in Mice. Cell Rep, 31(11):107771.

Luksch H, Stinson WA, Platt DJ, Qian W, Kalugotla G, Miner CA, Bennion BG, Gerbaulet A, Rösen-Wolff A, Miner JJ. 2019 STING-associated lung disease in mice relies on T cells but not type I interferon. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 144(1): 254-266.e8254-266.e8.

Qian W, Miner CA, Ingle H, Platt DJ, Baldridge MT, Miner JJ. 2019 A human STAT1 gain-of-function mutation impairs CD8+ T cell responses against gammaherpesvirus-68. J Virol, ():pii: JVI.00307-19.

Bennion BG#, Ingle H#, Ai TL, Miner CA, Platt DJ, Smith AM, Baldridge MT, Miner JJ. 2019 A Human Gain-of-Function STING Mutation Causes Immunodeficiency and Gammaherpesvirus-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis in Mice. J Virol, 93(4):pii: e01806-18.

Warner JD, Irizarry-Caro RA, Bennion BG, Ai TL, Smith AM, Miner CA, Sakai T, Gonugunta VK, Wu J, Platt DJ, Yan N, Miner JJ. 2017 STING-associated vasculopathy develops independently of IRF3 in mice. J Exp Med, 214(11):3279-3292.

Platt DJ, Miner JJ. 2017 Consequences of congenital Zika virus infection. Curr Opin Virol, 27():1-7.

Platt DJ, Smith AM, Arora N, Diamond MS, Coyne CB, Miner JJ. 2017 Zika virus-related neurotropic flaviviruses infect human placental explants and cause fetal demise in mice. Sci Transl Med, 10(426):pii: eaao7090.

Lazear HM, Govero J, Smith AM, Platt DJ, Fernandez E, Miner JJ, Diamond MS. 2016 A Mouse Model of Zika Virus Pathogenesis. Cell Host Microbe, 19(5):720-30.

Govero J, Esakky P, Scheaffer SM, Fernandez E, Drury A, Platt DJ, Gorman MJ, Richner JM, Caine EA, Salazar V, Moley KH, Diamond MS. 2016 Zika virus infection damages the testes in mice. Nature, 540(7633):438-42.

Zhao H*, Fernandez E*, Dowd KA, Speer SD, Platt DJ, Gorman MJ, Govero J, Nelson CA, Pierson TC, Diamond MS, Fremont DH. 2016 Structural Basis of Zika Virus-Specific Antibody Protection. Cell, 166(4):1016-27.

Dowd KA, DeMaso CR, Pelc RS, Speer SD, Smith ARY, Goo L, Platt DJ, Mascola JR, Graham BS, Mulligan MJ, Diamond MS, Ledgerwood JE, Pierson TC. 2016 Broadly Neutralizing Activity of Zika Virus-Immune Sera Identifies a Single Viral Serotype. Cell Rep, 16(6):1485-1491.


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