Nicolas Ledru

Program: Molecular Genetics and Genomics

Current advisor: Benjamin D. Humphreys, MD, PhD

Undergraduate university: Brown University

Research summary
In the Humphreys lab, we use single cell sequencing techniques to study a proximal tubule subpopulation that appears to drive progressive damage and kidney disease. This population has been studied following acute kidney injury (AKI) and is associated with failure to recover and subsequent transition to chronic kidney disease (CKD). I am exploring this subpopulation’s presence and activity in kidneys that have not experienced AKI and whether it can drive CKD progression in other non-acute modes of kidney injury

Graduate publications
Yoshimura Y, Muto Y, Ledru N, Wu H, Omachi K, Miner JH, Humphreys BD. 2023 A single-cell multiomic analysis of kidney organoid differentiation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 120(20)::e2219699120.

Muto Y, Wilson PC, Ledru N, Wu H, Dimke H, Waikar SS, Humphreys BD. 2021 Single cell transcriptional and chromatin accessibility profiling redefine cellular heterogeneity in the adult human kidney. Nat Commun, 12(1):2190.

Wilson PC, Wu H, Kirita Y, Uchimura K, Ledru N, Rennke HG, Welling PA, Waikar SS, Humphreys BD. 2019 The single-cell transcriptomic landscape of early human diabetic nephropathy. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 116(39):19619-19625.


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