Sid Sivakumar
Program: Biomedical Engineering
Current advisor: Daniel W. Moran, PhD
Undergraduate university: Case Western Reserve University
Research summary
Stroke is a condition with a clinically challenging disease profile, as survivors suffer high disease burdens, including functional motor deficits. In particular, white matter strokes (i.e. infarcts of nerve fibers within the brain) have poorly understood pathophysiology and do not respond well to traditional rehabilitation approaches in the clinic. The primary goal of my research is to characterize changes in cortical dynamics and organization resulting from white matter stroke in non-human primates, and kinematic correlates of motor recovery during post-stroke recovery. Another goal of my research is to implement a virtual-reality brain-computer interface that can aid in motor stroke rehabilitation. In pursuit of these goals, our lab applies various electrophysiological and imaging techniques, including ECoG, rs-fMRI, and DTI, to primate models of ischemic stroke.
Graduate publications