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Click on an individual’s name to see their research summary and graduate publications.
Kimberly Johansson
Program: Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Current advisor: Daniel C. Link, MD
Undergraduate university: Harvard University
Natalie Johnson
Program: Unspecified
Current advisor:
Undergraduate university: Oregon State University
Elizabeth Juarez Diaz
Program: Immunology
Current advisor: Tanner M. Johanns, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: St. Catherine University
Natasha Kafai
Program: Immunology
Current advisor: Michael S. Diamond, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: University of California-Berkeley
Gowri Kalugotla
Program: Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Current advisor: Megan T. Baldridge, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: Yale University
Marlene Kanmogne
Program: Neurosciences
Current advisor: Robyn S. Klein, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: Johns Hopkins University
Allison Kao
Program: Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Current advisor: Aaron DiAntonio, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: Harvard University
Clara Kao
Program: Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Current advisor: Jeffrey I. Gordon, MD
Undergraduate university: University of Chicago
Alex Kim
Program: Immunology
Current advisor: Carl DeSelm, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: University of California-Berkeley
Min Woo Kim
Program: Immunology
Current advisor: Jonathan Kipnis, PhD
Undergraduate university: University of California-Los Angeles
Tim Kong
Program: Cancer Biology
Current advisor: Stephen Oh, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: McGill University
Joseph Krambs
Program: Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Current advisor: Daniel C. Link, MD
Undergraduate university: Middle Tennessee State University
Kelsey Krus
Program: Neurosciences
Current advisor: Aaron DiAntonio, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Amir Kucharski
Program: Molecular Cell Biology
Current advisor: Regis J. O`Keefe, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: University of Kentucky
Peter Lambert
Program: Neurosciences
Current advisor: Steven J. Mennerick, PhD
Undergraduate university: Rice University
Nicolas Ledru
Program: Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Current advisor: Benjamin D. Humphreys, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: Brown University
Aisha Lee
Program: Immunology
Current advisor: Haina Shin, PhD
Undergraduate university: Harvard University
Evan Lee
Program: Computational and Systems Biology
Current advisor: Jeffrey I. Gordon, MD
Undergraduate university: University of California-Berkeley
Paul Lee
Program: Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Current advisor: Nathan Stitziel, MD, PhD
Undergraduate university: University of Pennsylvania
Alex Li
Program: Unspecified
Current advisor:
Undergraduate university: Washington University